经济学人303:疯狂汽车秀 高辛烷值的滑稽(在线收听

   Top Gear

  High-octane antics
  Motormouth Jeremy Clarkson is suspended from the BBC's hit show
  WHEN Jeremy Clarkson suggests switching off the VSC on a Toyota GT86 sports car to do better doughnuts around the “Top Gear” test track at Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey, his audience is more than likely to know what he is talking about. That audience is huge: “Top Gear” is the world's most widely watched factual television programme, with more than 350m viewers in 214 countries. That presents BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC, with a problem, because on March 10th the broadcaster suspended Mr Clarkson for being involved in what it called a “fracas” with one of the show's producers. The next episode will not be broadcast and another two may be dropped.
  当杰里米·克拉克森在萨里的敦斯福德机场建议将丰田86跑车的车辆稳定性控制系统(VSC)关闭,好让跑车在“疯狂汽车秀”的测试跑道上更好地回旋时,他的观众很可能不知道他到底在说些什么。这个节目观众数量庞大:“疯狂汽车秀”是全球受关注最广的真人电视节目,在214个国家拥有约3亿5千万名观众。这给BBC的一个部门BBC Worldwide(英国广播公司商业公司)带来了麻烦,因为在3月10号,该广播公司辞退了克拉克森,原因是他与该节目的一名制片人发生了所谓的“争吵”。下一集将不会播出,余下两集也可能被砍掉。
  Mr Clarkson's satnav seems to steer him towards controversy. In May last year he said he had been given a final warning by the BBC after it was claimed that he had said “nigger” while reciting a rhyme during the filming of an earlier series. In October 2014 the Top Gear crew had to flee from Argentina after being attacked by angry crowds during a road trip because the registration of a Porsche they were using appeared to refer to the date of the Falklands war. The BBC says it is investigating the latest incident, which, according to some reports, involved Mr Clarkson throwing a punch in a row over a lack of food on an assignment.
  “Top Gear” earns a good deal of money for BBC Worldwide and for its star. The commercial rights to the series used to be controlled by a company called Bedder 6, a joint venture with BBC Worldwide, and 30% owned by Mr Clarkson and 20% by Andy Wilman, an executive producer. The dividends from that company alone made Mr Clarkson a multimillionaire. In 2012 the pair sold their shares to BBC Worldwide. Mr Clarkson is said to have received £8.4m ($12.6m) for his stake.
  “疯狂汽车秀”帮BBC Worldwide和明星大赚了一笔。该节目的商事权利曾由一家名为Bedder 6的企业管理,该公司是BBC Worldwide的合资企业,克拉克森拥有30%的股权,一名执行制片人安迪·威尔曼拥有20%的股权。仅该公司的分红就让克拉克森成为了千万富翁。2012年,这对合伙人将股份卖给了BBC Worldwide。据说克拉克森将自己的所有权卖到了840万英镑(1260万美元)。
  Mr Clarkson and the show's co-presenters, James May and Richard Hammond, are believed to have been negotiating new contracts with the BBC. The politically correct and those who have found themselves the butt of Mr Clarkson's jokes—greens, truck drivers and Mexicans are among those on a long list—would be happy to see him go. Some think Danny Cohen, the BBC's director of television, shares their feelings: he hinted last year that he did not see the presenter as “untouchable”.
  The BBC has a strong incentive to overlook Mr Clarkson's transgressions. But it is a bureaucratic machine that must try to please everybody, because everybody pays for it. So it could be that commercial rivals such as ITV and Sky will be taking out their chequebooks to sign Mr Clarkson to present a rival series. They would not be able to use the “Top Gear” brand, but whatever the contracts say it is Mr Clarkson who is the real franchise of this show. An online petition in support of the presenter collected nearly 500,000 signatures in barely 24 hours. Mr Clarkson might be seen as an overbearing joker, but that is precisely what his fans like. And, petrolheads all, they know he is not afraid to call a new car rubbish if he thinks it is.
  1.switch off 关闭
  例句:The boys started to switch off after the first speech.
  2.road trip n.通过乘/驾车在公路上进行旅行的方式
  例句:The coach said his club had wire-tapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip.
  3.appear to 似乎,好像
  例句:By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.
  4.refer to 涉及;指的是
  例句:By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.