澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-05-30(在线收听

 Pick the event cloud thick across the central part of the continent. It chips that break up with the move through the weekend particularly through the west Australia or through the south Australia Northwest cold season heavy falls.

A few showers with generally atmosphere developing over the Queensland and a couple of mosbrown in the southeast as will move through the weekend. In Queensland most showers are going to be about the southern inland we both have a few showers in the northeast. We both potential showers in northeast in tropi and more likely in the up north far part the tropic are generally sunny and dry elsewhere. 
Or see the potential patchy light rain across the northern districts of New South Wales and the south should be clear dry mostly sunny just a little bit cloud beginning to build possible smash out upon the areas in the afternoon.
Showers about the southwest and northeast Victoria will fall snow about 1500 milimeters wind started in fresh the southwest.
Strong gust and winds crossing Tasmania, showers in the northwestern and far south and will spread to the east in the afternoon.
It occurs potential a break showers in the southern coast of south Australia and a bitter of more falls in the northwest but very wide of patchy light rain pass the districts.
It should be mostly dry into the southern Australia a part through the P into the southern interior state.
We are looking the potential shows anyway through the northern districts of Northern territory.