英语口语流行话题 第30期:动漫迷 15-2(在线收听

   A: I'm really tired. I want to sleep now!

  A: 累死了,我现在想睡觉!
  B: What? It's just 10 o'clock in the morning.
  B: 什么?现在是上午十点钟。
  A: I know. But I'm sleepy.
  A: 我知道。不过我真的很困。
  B: You had a bad night's sleep yesterday.
  B. 你昨晚没睡好吧。
  A: Yes, I stayed up very late last night.
  A. 是的,我昨天晚上熬到很晚。
  B: What were you doing?
  B: 你忙什么了?
  A: I watched the Naruto all night.
  A: 我看了一晚上《火影忍者》。
  B: You are crazy. It seems that you have spent the whole week on it.
  B: 你真是疯了。你这一星期似乎都在看《火影忍者》。
  A: I think I'm addicted to it now.
  A. 我觉得我现在有点上瘾了。
  B: If you are addicted to your work...
  B: 你要是对工作上瘾……
  A: Haha , I will try.
  A: 哈哈,我会试着上瘾的。
  B: Well , you'd better go to bed now. We will have a test in the afternoon. A good rest is necessary. Otherwise, you may fail the test.
  B: 你现在最好去睡个觉吧。我们下午有一个测验。好好休息一下是十分必要的。否则,你考试可能会不及格。
  A: I nearly forget it. Thanks!
  A: 我差点把这事忘了。谢了!