美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-06-07(在线收听

 As there's more breaking news. We are now seeing an indication of what's been described as a massive data breach potentially affecting more than 4 million Federal workers here in the United States. The data breach involves the government office opposed our management and the depart have been carrier. Washion Post Wall Street Journal others are reporting the story will also now getting offical conformation from the office personnel. Management Chinese hackers calling to the newspapers are suspected of breaching the government computer system last December X reporter ... They've just been released by the office personal manegement here in Washionton. 4 million workers, their personal identity, their information, sensitive information, may have been hacked, and now these others, usual Chinese hackers may have been responsible.

Well, what the Chinese sources are always the first place that the government look for part of intrusion because there's a lot of collection going on. They believe the FBI knows the a lot collection going on by the Chinese government agency. They've changed millitary of personal data from US government employee. So according to a statement we got from OPM, and from the department of Homeland Security, they say that notification have been sent to 4 million people whose personal information may have been compromised as a result of the breach. The FBI have opened investigation. We have statement from there now says that the FBI is working with our inter-agency parterner to investigate this matter and obviously this is something that is gonna be taken very seriously because we've seen many other breaches before we talked about the breaches of the White House, breaches of the state department that we are intented to steal government secrets. This is different. This is about stealing the information of American and what appears to be happening according to offical that I talked recent months, the Chinese are building a massive data basis of American in general. There're health care information and that's really clear what exactly they are doing this for, what exactly it gotta be used for, but there is a massive offort to collect as much information as possible on America.