2015-01-02 科学新发现:重新发现冥王星-22(在线收听

Pockets of sub surface gas will build up and eventually burst through Pluto's frozen surface as geysers, Will G demonstrates how even a small increase in temperature produces a large geyser.

Okay,we're going to put liquid nitrogen into this plastic bottle, and it's very cold at 77 degrees above absolute zero, so as soon as it comes into contact with the hot environment here with the Sun shining and the warm air starts to boiling like crazy, and as it boils, it's going up into gas, giving off a huge amount of gas, and as soon as i screw the lid on, the gas has nowhere to go, except up the tube in the lid and out through this * ice to form a simulated geyser, here it comes, on surface of Pluto we don't know what the scale of those geysers will be, whether they'll be very small like this one or maybe a kilometer tall.

Such  mysteries will be solved on New Horizon's arrival in 2015, the space craft's camera has already been tested 6 months into its epic journey, capturing perhaps the greatest volcanic eruption ever witnessed in space.
