2015-05-01 BBC:星光七纪元-30(在线收听

 And so i can see that there is hydrogen being produced by the supernova, and over here the yellow orange light is due to glowing atoms of sodium, it's the same sodium glow that we saw when I sprinkled the chemical into the fire, these ones here in the green part are iron, and down here in the violet part of the spectrum is calcium.The question that baffled scientists for decades though was where did all the elements come from, the breakthrough came from the mind of a doughty Yorkshire man, Fred H.

The origin of the elements was a big question that scientists were trying to tackle 50 years ago, and Fred H and his colleagues thought that supernovae maybe a key to unravelling the mystery.
At the time this was a radical idea, but Fred H was never a stranger to controversy.
Fred H blows up stars by computer, this cosmic * is the most controversial of theorists.
If you think there is a mystery about why stars explode, then you got it all wrong.
H devoted 10 years of his career to proving his revolutionary theory on the origin of the elements, he deduced that red giants are alchemists, but he knew that they weren't hot enough to create all the elements, he thought the ferocity of the supernovae explosion though would make them the ...