2015-05-22 BBC:星光七纪元-36(在线收听

  The calculations focus on a strange quality of all matter. It's one that defies common sense. But it's fundamental to the work of Astrophysicists  like professor Douglas Leonard.

   " Solidity is an illusion. If I run up with my fist and punch a burg wall, it will hurt like hack. But essentially my fist and the wall are almost entirely empty space. The illusion comes because we are made of atoms, the fundamental building blocks of matter, and most of what an atom is is empty space. So if this is an atomic nucleus containing the protons and neurtons, the electrons will be  roughly where  these buildings are in the background."  Spicky predicted the one thing violent enough to round together atomic particles and fill this empty space is the collapse of a massive star during a supernova. A collapse that happens in a matter of seconds. In a supernova the very first thing that happens is the iron core implodes from something about  the size of the earth down to somehting the size of a small city. And in that implsion the densities become so high that the protons in the electons get so squeezed together to form neutrons. Essentially all the air of the atom gets squeezed out of it and what you are left with in the end is a ball of neutrons, an incredibly dense object that we call a neutron star.
  And as the neutron star formed, its magnetic field intensified.