澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-08-10(在线收听

 Leading the news. Liberal MPs are gathering to vote a new speaker to replace Bronwyn Bishop, who resigned over the expense scandal. Victorian backbencher Tony Smith is the front runner in the field, which also includes Russel Broadband and Andrew S. The successful candidate will have the job of restoring respects in the federal parliament. In other news today. Indonesia's erupting volcano continues to cause heavy fear for air travellers. Virgin Australia has cancelled six flights in and out of Bali today. Another four flights are under review. Five Jetstar flights have also been cancelled. A truck rollover in Sydney has caused ..delays on the Pacific highway at Golden on the north shore. The container truck tipped down went side early this morning, blocking traffic on both sides of that highway.  And in Melbourne communnists have been urged to avoid the wastegate freeway this morning. A major of freeways remains closed after a plane by a new building side collapsed on Friday. And the mention Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has hit back over sex comments about a female journalist, who's challenged to name a TV debate. He says he was misunderstood and insists no apology is necessary. Mr. Trump has been disinvited from one conservative conference as some senior Republicans turn fiercely on him. And New South Wales prison authorities say they are ready for any eventuality when the smoking ban is enforced today. It's estimated eighty percent of the state inmates are smokers. A similar ban in Victoria last month sparked a riot at a major remand center. 
