英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0813 - 中传女生被害,马克有话说!(在线收听

 Topic1 College Girl Killed by SchoolmateThe recent case of a college girl killed by her schoolmate raised people's attention about safety again. How to better protect ourselves? And what we can do to avoid risk of being harmed?

Topic2 Flight Crew Punished for Refusing to Take Ill-behaved PassengersXiamen Airlines punished the flight crew who refused to take some ill-behaved passengers last week, including a 10-year-old girl who insulted the chief steward. This has sparked heated debate online. Should the airline company punish the flight crew?
Topic3 Children Start Puberty Earlier Than BeforeNew study has shown that children in China were attaining puberty at an earlier age than previous generations. Does earlier puberty means sexual precocity? How can parents prevent sexual precocity?
Topic4 Father devastated after daughter accepts Japanese boyfriend's proposalHow far would parents go when they find out their children will marry someone they dislike? A father in Shanghai burst into tears after hearing his daughter had accepted a proposal from her Japanese boyfriend, according to a China.org.cn report.