英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0604 - 高大上我伙呆登热词榜(在线收听

 Topic1 Rickshaw drivers want college studentsFor people visiting Beijing, the hutongs are definitely a must-see. These old winding alleyways represent the history and culture of this ancient capital. If visitors want to learn rather than just wandering around, they can take a rickshaw and let the drivers be their guide.

However, as time goes by, some rickshaw drivers are about to retire, and now they are looking for college graduates to be take over.
What exactly is the job? Would you say it is a desirable career choice?
Topic2 Report identifies most popular words of 2013If the Chinese poet Li Bai had lived to this day, how do you think he'd comment on something "high-end, with good taste and of high quality."Well, he might use the catch phrase:高端大气上档次gaoduan daqi shangdangci!
That phrase, together with some 360 others, has been identified in a new report reflecting how the Chinese language has evolved in 2013.
What's the report?
Topic3 Extra charge for window and aisle seatSince May 26th, Air China now charges an extra 100 RMB for passengers who want a window or aisle seat on six different international routes.
Is this okay?