英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0625 -北上广汉试点以房养老(在线收听

 Topic 1: First house-for-pension pilot program to be introducedChina will pilot a much-debated house-for-pension eldercare program in four cities next month as the country seeks an alternative to cope with rising pressures from an aging population.

Starting on July 1, the trial will be unveiled in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Wuhan to help Chinese citizens aged 60 and above.
The China Insurance Regulatory Commission said the pilot will last for two years.
Is this needed?
Topic 2:  Regulation against boomerang kidsRecently, Shandong province issued a drafted regulation stipulating that grown children cannot ask their parents for money under the pretext of unemployment or other reasons.
Will this ban on boomerang kids work?
Is this type of restriction on familial money lending necessary?
Topic 3:  Panda TourismIn Ya'an, Sichuan province, tourism officials have invested around 2 billion RMB in a 2 sq km panda park in a bid to increase the number of tourists.  However, the Sichuan pandering to panda pals does not end there.  In order to celebrate the World Cup, officials had planned to have one panda pick the results of matches a la Paul the Octopus.  Fortunately, for our panda patience and the furry balls of love, the publicity stunt was canceled.
Would you go as far as to say that we're seeing our cute furry friends being exploited for money making schemes?