英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0630 - 女士停车位是照顾还是挤兑?(在线收听

 Topic1 Tencent Wealth ManagementIn China, over 800 million netizens use the instant messaging tool QQ to talk to their families and friends. Now, they can make some money while enjoying the chatting.

Last week, internet company Tencent Holdings Ltd has entered a new realm of Internet finance by co-developing a wealth management platform based on its popular QQ service, targeting securities firms and stock investors.
What is it? What's the difference between Caifutong, and Yongjinbao, both of which are Tencent products?
Topic2 Beijing's 7th Ring to unify mega-regionBeijing seems to be dedicated to building ring roads. Now we are talking about the seventh ring road.
Transport authorities say Beijing's seventh ring expressway will sprawl well beyond the city limits.
Plans have been finalized for the Seventh Ring Road which is a 940-kilometer highway to connect the capital with neighboring Hebei Province.
Beijing's "7th ring road" not in Beijing? Should Beijing care at all?
Topic3 Online judicial auctionsA gas station in central China's Henan province sold at an online judicial auction Tuesday for 6.89 million yuan ($1.1 million).
The auction of the station, located in Gongyi city near the No. 310 State Road, started with a starting price of 1.65 million yuan.
The online auction attracted 22 bidders. After 26 hours, the gas station sold for more than three times its starting bid, the highest rate ever for an online judicial auction in Henan.
Is there a need for online judicial auctions?
Topic4 Ghost writers for civil servants民主生活会, literally translated as democratic life meetings, refer to the regular meetings of CPC leaders and cadres where people exchange opinions and conduct criticism and self-criticism. Recently, some of these democratic life meetings attract common people's attention, as a reporter found that some ghost writers on Taobao are making money from such meetings. They charge the civil servants 100 yuan for one article about things learned from the democratic life meetings.
Is this a problem?
Topic5 Female-only parking spacesA shopping mall in Northeast China's Dalian city has rolled out wider and bigger parking spaces for their female customers.
The spaces, outlined in hot pink with a sign saying, "Women only," are located by the road and close to the mall's entrances.
Is it thoughtful or thoughtless to set up female-only parking?
Is it sexist?