英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0701 - 西安:广场舞扰民就得罚(在线收听

 Topic1 Animal rights in ChinaJust when the public bombardment over Yulin was dying down……A Chinese dog meat supplier in Peixian of Jiangsu Province has shown support for a controversial dog meat festival in south China's Yulin city by bringing the local dog meat festival forward a year.

Fan Xiantao, owner of a dog meat processing plant and a chain of dog meat restaurants, has confirmed that he is planning a similar festival in his hometown this year. The event was scheduled for next year.
Today we're joined by Peter Li, China policy advisor for Humane Society International, to talk about the standoff between dog lovers and dog meat eaters, as well as animal rights protection in China.
Topic2 Public Institution Reform to BeginMore than 30 million employees at China's public institutions will bid farewell to their 'iron bowl' today as the Regulation on Personnel Management for China's Public Institutions takes effect.
Some people interpret the regulation as that "the public institution workers will get a pay raise" or "the dual pension system will be abolished". However, these interpretations are not accurate.
What is the regulation really about?
Topic3 Xi'an to Fine Square DancersNowadays, square dance is no longer just a recreational activity for elders, but more of a social problem which bothers both residents and the government.
Recently, Xi'an releases a draft regulation, setting a time limit for the dancers. Violators will face a fine up to 1,000 yuan.
Is square dancing so much of a problem that we need a regulation targeting it?
Topic4 China's Good GrandmaA recent report said that a young girl, Miss Liu, from Hubei Province bought ripped jeans online. When the package arrived, she wasn't at home, and her family received it. When Miss Liu came home and saw the trousers, the holes were all well patched. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After finding out it was her grandma who stitched them, she was moved. Her grandma found the jeans and thought they were broken. So she mended them with needle and thread.
This lovely grandma was friendly called by netizens as "China's good grandma."Do you have such grandmas or family members?