英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0704 - 成都警方发炫酷招聘海报(在线收听

 Topic 1: Foreign brands losing ground to domestic firmsAn industry survey has found that foreign brands are facing pressure amid a sluggish consumer goods market in China, with six out of 10 losing market share to their domestic rivals last year.

The China Shopper Report 2014 surveyed 40,000 Chinese households and analyzed 106 product categories covering personal care, home care, beverages and packaged goods, which account for 80 percent of the country's non-durable consumer goods market.
Is it a big loss for foreign brands?
Topic 2: Online movie ticket salesChinese movie market is booming, which is good news. However, the side effects are the tickets are more expensive and the queues in front of the counters are longer. As a result, the movie goers turn to the online platforms.
Why do people buy movie tickets online?
Topic 3: Emergency KitIn the popular sitcom the Big Bang Theory, the leading character Sheldon has an emergency bag, in case of natural and man-made disasters.
Recently, Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau encourages local households to prepare such a bag, and has given a list of the things that need to be included in the bag.
How necessary is it?
Topic 4: Dali bans candlesIn Chinese,there is a saying that when translated into English means "only officials may light the fire" or "Gods may do what cattle cannot." However, taken literally, it means government officials can set a fire but they don't allow residents to light candles.
Now some people are criticizing Dali municipality for doing exactly that after they issued a new regulation banning the use of candles when there is a blackout.
However, the local government says this is a misinterpretation.
What does the regulation really say?
Topic 5: Police PostersThis Wednesday, the Chengdu Police Bureau posted a recruitment thread on its official weibo. The most eye-catching part is the 6 posters in which all the policemen look like heroes from a Hollywood blockbuster.
Is it a good way to attract applicants?
Topic 6: Weird Math QuestionsLast weekend, some 6th graders in Zhengzhou took the admission exam of middle school. However the questions on the exam paper do not seem like they were made for students. Some parents have posted the questions online and netizens are surprised by how complicated they are.
Let's look at the most famous question in this exam.