英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0707 - 亲子真人秀,借孩子娱乐成人?(在线收听

 Topic1 Changping District in Beijing to Restrict Non-Local CarsChangping District in northwestern Beijing will become the city's first suburban district to restrict non-local cars on its roads.

Starting from August 1st, non-local vehicles will have to get entry permits when entering the central part of Changping.
The local government says the rule aims to improve air quality and reduce gas emissions.
No other districts that are situated outside the Sixth Ring Road have put forward a same regulation.
Is there a problem that would justify such a move?
Topic2 Restaurant chain enters high-tech sectorLeading high-end restaurant chain Beijing XE Flavor Group or Xiang E Qing in Chinese has announced a radical change of direction, switching from catering to Internet services and cloud technology.
The name of the publicly listed company has been changed to China Science Cloud Technology Group Ltd, as a result of collaboration between the restaurant chain and the Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Some investors likened it to hearing that a cook has become a tech wizard.
Is it a desperate or dexterous move?
Topic3 China web firms make money on World Cup bettingChina's Internet giants and insurance companies are finding ever more innovative ways to get around the country's strict betting laws and reap a payout as fans wager billions on the World Cup.
How big of a trend has World Cup betting become? Why is it popular?
Topic4 Girl Sues University for Not Allowing Her to Switch MajorsRecently a university girl sued her school for not allowing her to switch her major. Her statement was that her school has deprived her of the right of education. Her appeal has been turned down twice by two different local courts.
Is it the school's fault?
Topic5 Are there too many reality shows exploiting children?
Reality TV shows featuring kids and teenagers are the new favorites of the Chinese viewing public.
While the shows enjoy good-looking ratings reports, critics say such shows are not protecting participating children's best interests.
Are there too many reality shows exploiting children in this country?