英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0728 - 语言恐惧症,你有吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Call for changes to inheritance lawChina's law on inheritance is being called seriously outdated. Experts are calling for a major amendment to the law, which took effect in 1985 when China was still a planned economy with its people possessing much fewer private properties.

Do we need to amend the country's inheritance law?
Topic2 Why Chinese spend the most on international vacationsAs the biggest spenders on travels overseas, the Chinese are crowding once again the entry and exit offices across the country during this year's summer travel peak.
The number of outbound Chinese tourists has already surpassed 50 million this year, an 18-percent rise compared to the first half of last year.
Is it that big of a deal?
Topic3 Kids outsmart college students in figuring out gadgetsEver wonder why children can so easily figure out how to work the TV remote? Or why they "totally get" apps on your smartphone faster than you? If you've noticed that kids seem to be better at figuring out these things, you're not alone.
It turns out that young children may be more open-minded than adults when it comes to solving problems. Why do this happen?
Are kids smarter in gadgets than adults?
Topic4 One-Hour Delivery in ChinaLately several start-up delivery companies appeared in China. Cooperating with local convenient stores and others, they promise to deliver goods to customers within an hour. Most of them deliver fresh foods, drinks and vegetables, etc. While this sounds like a convenient service for a lot of people, does it have a good future in China?
How does it work?
Topic5 Verbal Communication PhobiaNow there is a new modern mental condition called语音恐惧症, or verbal communication phobia. People who have this condition prefer to talk to others in written rather than oral forms.
When the concept was invented earlier this week on weibo by a big V weibo user, it arouses echo among many net users.
Do you have it? What is it?
Topic6 Anonymous Social NetworkingThe American anonymous social network Secret launched in China recently. In the meantime, about 20 similar apps developed by domestic companies are also available for mobile users.
Why are these types of apps so popular? Have you tried them?