英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0807 - 史上最狠安全标语(在线收听

 Topic1 Real Estate Market in China Home purchase restriction policies have been implemented in at least 40 major Chinese cities since 2011 as part of the central government's efforts to curb property speculation. Recently many cities in China have relaxed these limits, trying to "save" the market. What does that mean? We're joined by Sun Wenjing, Beijing director of real estate consultancy Knight Frank to talk about the topic.

Are we seeing the beginning of a contraction in the real estate sector?
Topic2 Work safety slogansA safety notice at a construction site in Shenzhen has become a hot topic online.
The notice reads: "Dear workers: Pay attention to your safety at work. If anything happens to you, someone else will sleep with your wife, beat your kids and spend your compensation money. For your own sake, be alert!"Is it down-to-earth or vulgar? Will it work?
Topic3 Post 1990 generation patriotic in their own ways: SurveyWhatever the post-1990 generation is, one thing for certain is they are different from those born before them.
Among all the labels that have been given to those who were born after 1990, there is a new addition to the list, patriotic, as a survey has indicated.
How much does the result make sense to you?
Topic4 Online Asset DivisionA post-90s couple who got together because of online games is now getting a flash divorce and conflicting on the division of their communal assets, and specifically, their Q-coins. This incident has attracted wide attention and sparkled heated discussion the Internet.
Why do we care about such an individual case? What's special about it?