英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0812 - 报亭为何一夜消失(在线收听

 Topic1 News Stands Torn Down in BeijingBeijing is the cultural center of China. This is something we have been told since we were kids.

However, in this cultural center, some citizens may even have trouble buying newspaper. Recently, 72 newsstands in Beijing are torn down overnight and the owners even don't know why this happens.
Why is this happening? Is there anything wrong?
Topic2 Shandong further regulates on construction qualityEastern China's Shandong Province has further regulated on building quality.
According to the regulation, buildings should last no less than 50 years in general and 100 years at least if they are of special functions.
The regulation also tries to push forward a lifelong responsibility system among all parties that are related to the construction for as long as the building lasts.
Is the regulation necessary?
Topic3 To install cameras in the kitchenIn many Chinese restaurants, diners would rarely be allowed to enter the kitchen. And the old saying "out of sight out of mind" seems to describe people's helplessness toward food safety.
A "Sunshine Kitchen" project in Hangzhou might change this situation. The case here is that, a closed-circuit TV camera installed in the kitchen broadcasts in real-time, and makes it possible for customers to monitor the cooking process.
Is it a necessary step to ensure food safety?
Topic4 Shunfeng unveils experience storesSF Express or Shunfeng, China's largest private delivery services firm in the mid-end market, is combining express delivery services and convenience stores.
Since May, SF Express has opened at least 500 Heike — an online shopping service community store, across all Chinese provinces — except for in Tibet and Qinghai.
The stores provide pre-sales and allow customers to try out products from suppliers that have established partnerships with the company. Is this a model with a bright future?
Topic5 College Students Go for Drug TestsWe have an old saying that是药三分毒, or every medicine has some toxicity. It is used to remind people not to take medication if not necessary.
However, some college students now do it as a part-time job to earn extra money. They are called the drug test subjects, or试药族.
But does money come that easily?