英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0829 - 一年级终于不用背古诗啦(在线收听

 Topic1 Shanghai first year students' new textbook deleted all Chinese poemsThe new semester is coming, and some Shanghai parents find that: the new first grade Chinese textbook has removed all eight classical poems from the old version, and reduced the quantity of new characters.

Why is there a downsizing?
Topic2 Tuhao joins a wealth of modern wordsThe Chinese word tuhao has been a popular expression used by netizens to refer to people with great wealth who spend money freely. Now the word has been included in a newly revised dictionary, triggering controversy among language experts.
Why is it controversial?
Topic3 Selfie TakingRecently, a middle aged man falls down a cliff in Shaanxi while trying to take a selfie. Luckily, he is out of danger now.
It seems that taking selfie is no longer a privilege of young girls. More and more people are joining the trend.
Do you take selfie often?
Topic4 Students Bow, Parents CryEarlier this week, some 300 middle school students in Jiangxi start the new semester by bowing to their parents. The school says this activity aims to help the students respect and be thankful to their parents.
Do you think the school will achieve this goal?
Topic5 The Battle of Holding Seats Starts AgainThis year, the competition for seats in college self-study rooms is upgraded once again. Students use iron chains, locks and bricks to occupy the seats before they arrive.
Internet users comment that "these young people are studying with their life."How fierce is the war?
Topic6 Bejing school mottos questioned for similarity"Diligence" and "innovation" appear in one fifth of sampled Beijing school mottos, seemingly the most honored values for students.
But some say schools are not being so "innovative" in establishing such slogans.
Why the similarity?