英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0903 - 中国第一座屋顶跑道(在线收听

 Topic1 Opinions split on relevance of cord bloodThere are always two opinions on storing cord blood. Some experts believe that the chance of a person to use his or her cord blood for blood diseases is too few while the cost is high. Others argue that saving one's own cord blood has its benefits as it helps in the development of regeneration medicine while also benefitting siblings and other family members.

Why is there the controversy?
Topic2 School puts running track on its roofFor the typical, horizontally designed school campus looking to reduce its carbon footprint, finding room somewhere on the vast rooftop or on the playgrounds for an educational garden is usually not too difficult.
But what about those already established schools in densely populated areas where there's no room for a playground and nowhere else to build but vertically?
In Tiantai county, Zhejiang province, to make optimum use of space, architects put a running track on the ChiCheng Second Primary school's roof - the first of its kind in China.
How does it work?
Topic3 Flight ticket name changing feeA budge airline recently decides to impose a fee on the name change of tickets, sparking debate online. Western Airlines (Xibu Hangkong) said on their official weibo account that from Sep 1, passengers could change the name on their ticket for 20 RMB. However, there is a catch. Customers can only change one Chinese character and three English letters at a time.
Is the fee reasonable?