英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0909 - 高考改革方案出炉(在线收听

 Topic1 Gaokao Reform Plan ReleasedOn Sept 4, the State Council issued The Implementation Opinions on Deepening the reform of Examination and Enrollment System"关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见", which marks a new round reform of examination and enrollment system.

The most impressive parts in the new plan should be the reform that senior high students do not need to choose liberal arts or science, unified national examination paper for more provinces, cancellation of the awarded mark for students with arts and sports specialty and so on.
What does it mean? And what changes will it bring to students taking the exam?
Topic2 Medication safety remains a problem in ChinaEvery year, about 400,000 Chinese people die of medical malpractice damages, four times the death toll from traffic accidents.
Estimates from the China Red Cross Society show that unsafe medication is the main culprit behind most deaths caused by medical malpractice damages.
The public's medication errors include not following the doctor's advice or the drug instructions and drug abuse.
Is there a crisis?
Topic3 Young People Want to Live with ParentsWe used to think most young people don't want to live with their parents, since they need some alone time. However, a recent survey shows the situation to be otherwise.
According to the survey, while the majority of young respondents are willing to live with their parents, 80 percent of senior residents prefer to live independently.
Do you think the result makes sense?
Topic4 Mid-Autumn Festival SharingYesterday was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and we asked our listeners on Wechat how they spent the festival and got lots of interesting and heartwarming answers.
Things we can share:
What did you do?