英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1010 - 放假加限号,迎接APEC(在线收听

 Topic1 6-Days off in Beijing During APECHere is some good news for Beijingers. Government employees and students in the capital will enjoy a six-day holiday as the city hosts this year's APEC, or Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders' summit.

Is this necessary?
Topic2 Actors with Wrongdoings Won't Show on TV or MoviesOn Sept 29, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television issued an official document stating that performing stars with illegal behaviors, such as drug abuse and prostitute visiting, cannot appear on TV and movies any more. This is the first official decision by authorities since many stars were involved in drug abuse or whoring scandals. Will it be effective in purifying the entertainment industry?
Topic3 Quque-jumping Dama gets hit in the headA Chinese dama of over 50 years old has been hit in the head with a brick when she jumped a long queue in front of a public toilet in Gulangyu, Xiamen.
The dama was reportedly in a hurry to use the toilet. She was attacked by a woman staying in the queue after having used the toilet.
The two then fought with each other in a cat fight and both suffered injuries.
Should it have happened?
Topic4 Sea reclamation to be strictly controlledThe Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) has announced that China would strictly control sea reclamation in coastal provinces and municipalities due to fear over ecological destruction. In recent years, sea reclamation has been important in economic development.
Is there a problem to be solved?
Topic5 Heritage debate ensues after 'monkey buskers' convictedThroughout China there are traveling buskers doing street shows with Monkeys.
They often come into a city, set up and do their performances in the streets for a few days, and then leave before the public gets bored of them.
Now a court in northeast China has convicted four "monkey busking trick" performers, arousing nationwide concern about the protection of intangible cultural heritages, and the protection of animals.
Is it a heritage or crime?
Topic6 Gift money for weddings cost woman a month's incomeOctober is a golden month for couples to tie the knot in China.
While a wedding can be momentous for newly-weds, attending a wedding or two or even more as a guest could mean an entire month's income is gone.
A Ms. Lin from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province got 8 wedding invitations during the National Day holiday, and they cost her an entire month's income.
Is it still a good tradition or not to give gift money on weddings?