英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1020 - 说话中英夹杂,di不disgusting?(在线收听

 Topic1 Chinese Ghost CitiesAn institution called"标准排名"or Standard Ranking has released a report, showing that 50 Chinese cities out of 657 might have become "ghost cities." And the top ten are: Erenhot, Qinzhou, Lasha, Jiayuguan, Jingangshan, Weihai, Xilinhot, Jiaxing, Shizuishan, Sanya.

Is the situation very bad?
Topic2 Chinese Mingled with English WordsEnglish has become so popular in China that many words have entered our daily use of the Chinese language. While in most cases the change happens gradually, such as sofa and fans, there's one situation which is widely frowned upon, that is artificially mixing English words in Chinese conversations. Many netizens say some white-collar workers' way of speaking is especially insufferable.
Is it a common phenomenon?
Topic3 Student official candidates want to run for power positions onlyA primary school in Southwest China says none out of more than 70 candidates for the school students' committee election campaign wants to run the position of the hygiene secretary.
The Mingdao Branch of the Experimental Primary School in Chengdu offers more than 20 positions for the election, including the ones in charge of studies, publicity, arts and entertainment, sports, organization, disciplines and hygiene.
Why wouldn't anyone want the job of a hygiene commissioner?
Topic4 How People Use Their TabletsMany people like to use their tablets before going to sleep. Almost half of them have had the experience of gadgets slipping through their fingers and smacking on their faces. Ouch.
This is from a recent report on the tablet habit of Chinese users.
Are you one of them?
Topic5 Elderly Stops Funding "Ungrateful" studentRickshaw driver Mr. Feng has been sponsoring a 14-year-old under-privileged girl Lingling (alias) to stay in school for four years. But he has recently decided to withdraw his support. His reason was: as he finally gets to meet the girl, she appeared to be cold and ungrateful.
What happened? Was the girl not appreciative of the financial aid from Mr. Feng?
Topic6 Guy Asks Back Roasted Chicken from ExIf you want to break up with me, you have to return the 10 roasted chickens I sent you. This request is made by a young man in Henan province. After a policeman mediates, the girl agrees to return 5 roast chickens, instead of 10.
Hilarious it may be, but this actually touches upon a sensitive topic among couples: Should people ask gifts--if we can call food a gift—back, when they break up with their partner?