英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1125 - 远去的人人和射手(在线收听

 Topic1 TV Subtitle Websites Shut DownChinese film and TV show buffs who love foreign flicks mourn recently after the 2 of their favorite websites yyets and shooter shutdown.

The news took fans by surprise. But were they shut down for good reasons?
Topic2 Professional farmers get certificatesMore than 80 farmers in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province have received certificates to practice agriculture as senior professional farmers.
They are part of a reform to introduce a ranking system for farmers in the province, based on their educational backgrounds, income levels, managerial capabilities and market sensitiveness, etc.
Is there a problem the introduction of professional farmers tries to address?
Topic3 Fur & Leather Products Exhibition Rejected by Animal ProtectorsAn International Fur & Leather Products Exhibition recently held in Beijing attracts people's attention. Many conservationists and wild animal protectors claim that this kind of exhibitions should be firmly rejected.
As response, the exhibition managers explains that China's fur industry is regulated, the same as the farming industry that raises animals for food supplies.
Should such an exhibition be boycotted?
Topic4 University Banned Food DeliveryRecently, Xiamen Institute of Technology HuaQiao University has issued a circular prohibiting student from ordering takeout. The black list includes both school canteen and restaurants from outside the campus.
Takeout boxes are not allowed to be brought back to the dormitories. And for those who can't go out to eat because of illness, they need to get the proof from their tutors. Besides, all cash transactions are not allowed in the school canteen.
Is there a good reason for the school to ban food delivery?
Topic5 Voice SurgeryRecently, Nanjing Tongren Hospital cooperated with a South Korean hospital and launched a "Voice Surgery." Doctors in this program claimed that existing medical technologies can improve people's voice conditions, such as lowering shrill high voices and softening hoarse voices. It is even possible to completely change a man's voice into a woman voice.
Is it true?