历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-09-25(在线收听

 September 25th, 1957As hundreds of U.S. army troops stand guard 9 black students are escorted into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. That happens two days after unruly white crowds force the children to withdraw from trying to enter the all whites school .

Decades later, one of the nine, Ernest Green, recalls the first major fight over racial integration of America schools. ”It was one in which we thought we were simply exercising our right to the best education that was available in Little Rock, Arkansas. You know, longing the hall, I think we were right.”
1919President Woodrow Wilson collapses after a speech in Pueblo, Colorado, urging support for the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty officially ends World War I and sets up the League of Nations, a forerunner of the United Nations. Wilson soon suffers a massive stroke that leads him partially paralyzed. The U.S. senate fails to ratify the Treaty.
1897William Faulkner considered one of the great American novelists whose works include “the sound and the fury” is born in New Albany, Mississippi.
1931Barbara Walters, the TV newswoman and talk show host is born in Boston. Her career milestones range from“The Today Show” and “2020” to “The View”.
“You win some and you lose some and I guess the only difference now is that I am very happy when I get there I’m not wanna sound like the watermelon as person. But if I don’t, it doesn’t kill me anymore.”
And 1944“The point is, Ladies and Gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
Michael Douglas, movie actor and producer is born in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Among his on screen roles “Wall Street” “Fatal Attraction” “Basic Instinct” and “the American President”
Today in history, September 25th, Tim Maguire, the Associate Press.