英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0316 - 在办公室调情后果会怎样?(在线收听

Topic1 72% worry about post-retirement expenses


A recent survey shows that nearly 72 percent admit that they worry about life post-retirement.


According to an online survey conducted by ePanel Inc, a market research and consulting organization, out of 2,200 respondents only 18.2 percent did not express worry about post-retirement life.


The rest 10 percent said it was difficult to comment on the issue.


Should they be worried?


Topic2 Luxury E-commerce Sites Not Doing Great


Fortunes have been made in various areas of the e-commerce sector in China, but so far there has been less success with online sales of luxury goods.


Why is that?


Topic3 Zhi Nv Ai-Women Who Conforms to Their Gender Roles


Now after Zhi Nan Ai, we have a similar new term named Zhi Nv Ai, or Straight Women Cancer, referring to women who deliberately conform to the traditional expectations of Chinese men--demure, domesticated, and have no other goal in life other than to serve the needs of men.


Is it a problem?


Topic4 Can casual flirting help employees get ahead in the workplace?


Office flirting is a tricky thing. Done poorly, and you're seen as the office predator or b-i-t-c-h, but advocates of it say that platonic flirting can be an effective way of establishing rapport with colleagues.


Office flirting used to be frowned upon. Can it be a good thing?
