英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0409 - 不秀恩爱的危害(在线收听

 Topic1 Problems with Smart TV setsA recent survey shows about one third of smart TV owners in China have reported quality problems with their gadgets within three years after the purchase.

According to the survey done by nandu.com, the rate has been much higher than traditional non-smart TV sets which used to occupy Chinese living rooms.
Is there a crisis?
Topic2 Baidu VS Putian HospitalsA spat between leading search engine Baidu and one of its largest advertisers Putian hospital groups has been escalated recently after Baidu reports the malicious online attack from the latter to the police.
How did the war start? Who is more at fault here?
Topic3 Beijing to Plant More Smog-fighting TreesThis year, Beijing plans to upgrade some of the city's green belts with plants that have strong dust retention ability, in an effort to combat PM2.5 and improve air quality.
18 types of plants have been selected for the trial program.
Why do we care? Should Beijing try this hard?
Topic4 Shenzhen Decides Street Performers' Schedule By Lucky DrawStreet artists in Shenzhen will be given licenses to perform in designated spots in Futian District. According to Guangzhou Daily, they'll even be given a performance schedule decided by drawing lots.
This makes Shenzhen the second Chinese city to regulate street performers after Shanghai.
What is it about? Is management necessary?
Topic5 Forcing Boyfriend To Display on WechatA young man in Wuhan recently received an ultimatum from his girlfriend: either post her photo or their photo together on his WeChat, or the relationship is over. The girl said the guy never put up a single picture of her on his social network apps, which means either he doesn't love her, or he doesn't take their relationship seriously enough.
Is this just an individual story, or does it reflect a more common conflict that happens between guys and girls?