英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0416 - 一个人生活,why not?(在线收听

 Topic 1: Internet SpeedThese days, whenever we enter a new place, whether office, hotel, or just a friends house the first question weask is: Is there wifi?

According to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the reason we ask this question is because the mobile internet is tooexpensive. Now he is calling for faster speeds and lower costs.
Topic 2: Is Beijing a heaven or hell for dream makers?
A popular Wechat post has described what it is like living and working in Beijing with an 8,000yuan monthly income: after paying for social insurances, rent, meals, social activities and parentsliving expenses, 384.9 yuan is all that's left.
People's Daily then carries an opinion piece saying while we are humanpossessions; we shouldn't just talk about money all the time.
Topic 3: Stay Single for LifeIs it possible to live happily in China if totally single your entire life? If you ask this question acouple of years ago, you are highly likely to get many negative answers. The good news is theworld is changing, with more people in China's cities staying single for longer.
Topic 4: Taxi hailing service Didi Kuaidi to enter designated driver marketThe recently merged Didi Kuaidi, which operates taxi hailing apps in China, is set to expand intothe designated driver business.
According to the Guangzhou-based 21st Century Business Herald, this market is expected to growto 50 billion yuan (US$8.04 billion) in five years.
Topic 5: School puts brakes on student bike privilegesStudents at a Guangdong Province school used to riding their bikes to class are in for a switch ingears.
Shunde Hope Primary School in Liannan county is one of a number of local schools restrictingstudents from biking to and from campus unless they pass a road safety class.