英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0424 - 《名侦探柯南》是犯罪教科书?(在线收听

 Topic1 Migrant Children Crime RateThe structure of migrant families is more likely to cause juvenile crimes, according to a report released by the 21st Century Education Research Institute on Monday.

How serious is the problem?
Topic2 Is the Conan Series Bad for Minors(audio)This highly-recognizable song is from Japanese animation Detective Conan, a Japanese cartoon series which is quite popular among Chinese viewers of various agesBeijing Television, or BTV, released a report earlier this week saying this animation is nothing but a textbook of crimes, which does no good for kids.
Why do they say that?
Topic3 Beijing Civil Affairs office bombarded for 'sexist' bannerA poster at a civil affairs bureau in Beijing that has been deemed sexist has angered thousands after a photo of it was uploaded to the internet.
The poster was hung in an office for marriage counseling for couples on the brink of divorce. It reads—"A woman's most valuable asset lies in being a good housewife and a good mother. Why chisel your way up the social ladder and get yourself so tired just to tread in a man's territory?"The placard has since been removed. But anger has not died down. Is it sexist?
Topic4 Xiao long bao indexShanghai Soup Dumplings or Xiao long bao has long been enshrined as a specialty the city prides for. Now Christopher Cavish, a food critic and former chef, has conducted a study that ranks the local delicacy in a quantitative manner.
Is it a worthy cause?
Topic5 Wearing the Same Outfit to Work EverydayA girl in New York recently becomes poplar because she doesn't think twice about what she's going to wear to work each morning. She just wears the same outfit every weekday for the past three years.
Why does she do that?