英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0508 - 你身边有少女癌吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Further Investigation of Uber and ZhuancheChinese authorities visited the Uber office in Chengdu on Wednesday, just a week after its company office in Guangzhou faced a local police raid over its ride-hailing service.

Is Uber in big trouble?
Topic2 Girl CancerNow there is a new internet buzzword called shao nv ai, or young girl cancer, referring to women who have passed into adulthood but still act like a teenager rather than an adult in romantic relationships.
Do you know anyone who has it? Why is the phenomenon?
Topic3 Losing Internet connection ranked No 1 'torture'
Disconnection from the Internet is No 1 on a top-10 list of "tortures," according to a survey on China's Twitter-like microblogging site Sina Weibo.
Does losing internet mean torture to you?
Topic4 Unplugged TravelNow we do everything with our cell phones. Traveling is no exception. We use mapping apps to navigate, cameras to take photos and online guidebooks to find out what to do.
So some people decide to release themselves from the internet and get closer to nature. It is called unplugged travel.
Can you do it?
Topic5 Where Skinny People Sit in RestaurantsAre there "fat tables" in restaurants? Preliminary research suggests: maybe! This means where you sit in restaurants may affect whether you're going to eat more or less in that meal, before you even order.
How is it done? Does it make sense?