英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0717 - 狗狗是泡妞神器!?(在线收听

 Topic1 Summer Jobs for StudentsDoing part-time work during summer vacation is a great way for students to earn pocket money, experience society and learn to be independent. Nevertheless, most students in a recent survey said that they have experienced unfair treatment when doing part-time jobs.

Is there a problem?
Topic2 Psychological Traps in SupermarketA research shows that 40% of the purchase in supermarket is impulse buying, which is mostly attributed to the psychological traps set up by the supermarket. What are these traps? Are you a "victim" of these traps?
Have you found that you always buy more goods from the supermarket than your plan? Do you usually regret after you come back home?
Topic3 Why your phone is driving you to distractionWhether it's a beep, a ring or a quiet vibration, just receiving a text alert on your phone can be as distracting as actually using it to make a call or send a message, according to a study.
How distracting can the phone be?
Topic4 A man with a dog is more popular?
Forget flash cars, designer clothes and a big salary. It seems that the man who's really popular with the ladies is one who owns a dog. Why can a dog win you a date?
Topic5 Survey affirms people's love of hotpotIn China, visitors to the mountainous city of Chongqing may be surprised at the local people's craze for spicy hotpot and their taste for animals' internal organs.
A recent report shows that Chongqing people have recently voted ox stomach the most popular hotpot dish.
How popular is hotpot in Chongqing and in China?