英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0716 - 男人不行了?(在线收听

 Topic1 China's Northeast Feels the Pain of Low Birth RateA recent news report from China Youth Daily has shown that northeast China is facing a demographic crisis. Aging population, low birth rate and an outflow of residents are not only worrying the local governments but also felt by its ordinary people in Northeastern provinces in China. So why do China's Northeast provinces have the lowest low birth rate? And what are the reasons of the population outflow of the region?

Topic2 Taobao Launches Agricultural Resource ChannelRecently, Taobao.com, China's largest online shopping website, has launched an agricultural resource channel, and started the exploration of the difficulties in the internet plus agriculture mode in a third-tier city.
Will it be a good trend to promote the development of Chinese agriculture?
Topic3 Is learning a new language the earlier the better?
Many Chinese parents believe that learning a foreign language should be started as early as possible. Sometimes, you can even see toddlers in English training centers. But is learning a new language the earlier the better?
Are kids better at learning a foreign language than adults?
Topic4 Are men becoming the weaker sex?
A growing number of Chinese men are seeing their health on the decline, and figures show that men's health is declining faster than women.
Is it a big problem?