英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0727 - 中国人吃了世界1/3的冰淇淋,你造吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 CNNIC Report on Chinese Internet UsersA report shows the number of people using Internet in China has risen to 668 million by the end of June, and nearly 89% of them use smartphone to go online. Are you one of them? And what do people usually do on the internet?

Topic2 Grandfather Suspected of Killing Newborn with Cleft LipA newborn with cleft lip was found was found dead by doctors at the No 2 People's Hospital in Chongming County in Shanghai. The boy had been born only two days earlier. Later, the grandfather turned himself in of killing his grandson. How would that have happened?
Topic3 Grandparents blamed for childhood obesity riseA new paper says that Chinese grandparents tend to indulge, overfeed and protect grandchildren in their care from physical chores, thus increasing their risk of obesity.
What does the research say?
Topic4 China is now the world's biggest ice cream marketNew research from Mintel shows that China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest ice cream market. Why are Chinese people eating more ice cream?