英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0806 - 戴绿帽和罚款,你选哪样?(在线收听

 Topic1 Overprotecting One's Rights or Blackmailing?

A man has been detained by police for blackmailing after he claimed a compensation of 4.5 million yuan for foreign matters found in expired instant noodles. How can we differentiate blackmailing from overprotecting one's rights?
Topic2 New designs reclaim imperial fashionThe Palace Museum in Beijing will launch a jewelry series that replicates the fashion styles of ancient empresses, a move seen as its latest attempt to promote traditional Chinese culture through creative products.
The new series bring more attention to the museum's creative souvenirs but also arouses debate.
What happened?
Topic3 Immature ChineseA recent article says Chinese are still quite immature, and this is reflected in their collective craze in many aspects, going into the stock market, for example, and going overseas to study. Are Chinese not mature enough?
Topic4 Shenzhen Confers 'Green Hat' on Jaywalkers Caught in the ActIn China, where traffic signals are often regarded as suggestions rather than directives, police officers can have a tough time wrangling wayward pedestrians.
Police in Shenzhen are getting creative by making jaywalkers wear green vests and hats – a sartorial solution that has stitched together a new debate due to its unsavory associations in Chinese culture.
What's going on?