英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0810 - 30几岁结婚更容易离?(在线收听

 Topic1 CCTV Resignation TideRecent news has revealed that several well-known hosts have submitted their resignation letters to China Central Television or CCTV, which has again ignited the commonplace topic of CCTV resignation tide. Where have those resigned hosts gone? Did they have a better life after quitting from CCTV?

Topic2 Limiting Seniors' Birthday Banquets to Once a DecadeBanquets in Sichuan province's Tongjiang county have gotten so out of hand that the authorities have decided to impose a new set of rules dictating the types of occasions on which they can be held. But is it reasonable?
Topic3 urea exceeded the limitIn summer, swimming is a good way of exercising and pools are great hideaways from the heat. However, is the water in the swimming pool clean?
Topic4 Want to Avoid Divorce? Wait to Get Married, But Not Too LongIt was traditionally believed that the older you were, the lower the chances of divorce. But some recent study shows that those who married after their early thirties are more likely to divorce than those who marry in their late twenties. So what's the best age of getting married?