英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0821 - 女生的心你永远不懂(在线收听

 Topic1 Man with 44 Times of Overdue Record Unable to Get Bank LoanA man who has a credit card overdue record of 0.5-yuan for 44 times has been added into a bank blacklist, which deprived him of the right to get a bank loan within 5 years. Is it really that serious for having an overdue fine of only 0.5 yuan?

Topic2 Should there be military training for students?
In China, there has been mandatory two or three weeks' military training for college freshmen.
Now, with a new semester approaching, the military training season has begun. Some think the experience is fun, while others think it is too harsh and not necessary.
Is there a problem?
Topic3 Meaningless Guinness RecordOver 400 citizens set a new Guinness World Records title by having breakfast in bed together in Beijing, which has been mocked by many netizens about the meaning of winning such a record. Why do we need to have such a meaningless world record?
Topic4 Things That Men Can't Get About WomenMen and women are totally two different kinds of creatures. Girls are often complaining about the ignorance of their boyfriends, while guys are agonized by their girlfriends' non-stop request to have a talk. So, what do girls really want guys to know or understand?