英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0827 - 中英教育?精英教育?(在线收听

 Topic1 Education: West, East?

The finale of BBC documentary "Chinese School: Are Our Kids Tough Enough?" has ended with the class taught by Chinese teachers winning the final test with a 10percent advantage over the class taught by British teachers. Is it a victory of the Chinese style education? What is a good education really about?
Topic2 Male Consumption ReportA report showing the consuming habits of Chinese men in the first half of 2015 has been published last week. As it proves, shopping is not just for the ladies. Do men in different regions have different preferences in online shopping?
Topic3 Low Professional Loyalty of Young GraduatesA recent report shows that nearly half of young graduates who were born after 1990 plan to stick to their first jobs for only one year.
Topic4 Educational Level of CelebritiesCelebrities always get mocked when they fail to get Chinese characters right. But now, the mockery has just been taken to the next level, as celebrities are said to be "ill-educated." Is it so? And do they need to have a good education?