英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0909 - 飞机上哪儿最脏?(慎入,可能引发恐飞症)(在线收听

 Topic1 Young Chinese No Longer Want to Live with ParentsChinese households are getting smaller. More young single Chinese are moving out of their parents' homes, happy to be living alone. Is it against traditional Chinese values? What impact would this have on Chinese society?

Is there a strong trend?
Topic2 Robust growth forecast for China's outbound tourismChina, the biggest outbound tourism market, will continue to make rapid strides with trips and overseas consumption, according to a report on Monday.
This is despite a slowdown in the growth of outbound tourist trips in recent years.
How promising is the market?
Topic3 O2O Fake TransactionNowadays, O2O, or Online to Offline, service is becoming more and more popular. To attract more users, many O2O platforms are offering subsidies. Someone use this as a great opportunity of making money by generating fake transactions. Is it OK to do so?
Topic4 Feeling blue? Ditch your smartphoneIf you're feeling lonely or bored, turning to your smartphone for company may not be the answer.
US researchers say using apps such as Twitter or Facebook will make feeling worse by replacing human contact with something 'synthetic'
Really? What does the research say?
Topic5 The dirtiest areas of an airplaneTaking a flight is definitely one of the most efficient ways of travelling. However, there are some very dirty areas of an airplane and you may have already touched them several times. Do you know that?