英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0908 - 教师“十大禁语”,你的老师说过几个?(在线收听

 Topic1 Taboo Sentences for TeachersRecently Hubei Province has published the top 10 taboo sentences and 10 beautiful sentences for teachers, hoping to regulate teachers' usage of language. What are the taboo and beautiful sentences? Are you familiar with them?

Topic2 Primary School Replaces Napping with MeditationIn South China's Guangdong Province, pupils at a primary school were asked to sit in meditation instead of taking naps during the mid-day breaks.
What happened?
Topic3 Singer Criticized for Not Being Patriotic EnoughTaiwan pop star Christine Fan or Fan Weiqi apologized and deleted an online post showing her baby twins that she sent on last Thursday. She was trying to end a verbal assault by some netizens who said it was inappropriate to show scenes from her personal life on a day marking victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
The debate centered on the question of whether celebrities are indifferent to important national events that went on during the weekend. What is your take on this?
Topic4 Luxury "Equipment" for New SemesterThe new semester has started. Recent media reports revealed that some primary school students took expensive stationery while going to school. Why did parents buy these new "equipment" for their children? Do young students really need luxury "equipment"?