NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-07(在线收听

 Migrants, mostly Syrian refugees are flowing across Hungary on to Austria and Germany after the two countries said they take them in. Hungary bused some of them to the Austrian border overnight. Others have been walking. And reporter DB in Munich tells us trains have carried thousands into Germany. Munich police are reporting that 37000 migrants have arrived in Munich. Media report suggested that there could be as many as 7000 arriving in Germany by the end of the weekend. And it looks like about 6500 have reached Austria according to media reports. Meanwhile, the growing migrant crisis dominated talks between EU foreign ministers that wrapped up today. TS reports from Brussel. EU foreign policy chief FM Austria's acceptance migrants from Hungary is an example of solidarity that needs to be repeated throughout the EU to relieve the overwhelming burden on frontline states. She doesn't mean solidarity only between countries but also between people. M says the majority of those coming to Europe now are genuine refugees not economic migrants. Nearly half from Syria alone. M urges reluctant countries to reflect. We Europeans have to keep in mind the history of our continents.We know what it is, war, conflict and facing a situation that forces us to flee. M warns the EU's credibility depends on how it rises to this challenge.At a rally in Kentucky this afternoon, supporters of county clerk Kim Davis demanded she be released from jail where she is been held in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. NPR's AP tells us religious leaders were on hand.  One evangelist DM sent a message that this country is on a wrong path. That it should be following its Christian values. But right now it's not doing that. NPR's AP, Kentucky. Police in Washington State are searching for clues into who set a plant parenthood clinic on fire in the town of P early yesterday mooring. NPR's NR reports investigators have determined it was a case of arson. The fire caused significant damage to the clinic. Nobody was injured but a spokeswoman for plant parenthood says the health center will be closed for at least a month. Local police and fire officials have been by joined by federal agents in the inner and northwest joint terrorism task for * investigation the blaze because the history of attacks against plant parenthood clinics and other that offer abortion services. As many as 500 protestors gathered in front of the same clinic in P last month. It's a part of nationwide wave, a protest against plant parenthood. This particular clinic's websites say it offers abortion referrals but does not provide abortion services. NR, NPR news. Treasury secretary JB and Federal Reserve chair JY have concluded meetings in Turkey with their group pf twenty counterparts. SB of Market New Zealand National reports the world's top economic policymakers have agreed global growth should not rely on low interest rates. The Fed * of interest rates near zero for almost seven years and other major central banks have followed suit. But L and European central bank president MD told fellow finance ministers and central bankers more balanced policies are needed. A G20 Communique seemingly gives the * green light to raise rates saying in line with improving economic outlook monetary policy tightening is more likely in some advance to economy. Another focus was China whose August currency devaluation worsened fears of a Chinese slowdown and triggered worldwide stock dumping.The communique calls on nations to refrain from competitive devaluations. Influential * RR has dies. Born in Cuba and raised in Jamaica, RR is best known as a scar and * musician recording with a variety of artists including J's rhythm blues orchestra and The Specials. RR reportedly died after a short illness at a hospital in London. He was 80 years old.
