NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-09(在线收听

 The holdouts in an EU plan to collectively to help refugees and other migrants don't appear to be wavering. The Prime Minister of Hungry is opposed to the idea of a quota system for each EU nation to take in a certain number of asylum seekers, many of who are escaping the civil war from Syria. In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron encounters mixed reactions from parliament today after he proposes the new number of refugees that UK needs to take in. We're proposing that Britain should resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees over the rest of this parliament. In doing so, we'll continue to show the world the country of extraordinary compassion, always standing up for our values and helping those in need. France meanwhile has committed to take in 27,000 migrants and refugees over two years. Back to Hungary which is now bussing all newly arrived migrants to reception centers near the Serbian border rather than allowing them to make their way to Budapest over crowed train station, VL reports clashes have broken out in the camp. Some 6000 migrants and refugees have entered Hungary over the Serbian border in the past three days. Hungarian police are bussing them to a new reception center about a two-hour drive from Budapest away from the main train station and the eyes of international media. Human rights groups say the new center is already packed beyond capacity and people are sleeping in a corn field nearby. Charities are delivering water band blanket. Witness says police use tear gas on about 150 people who tried to escape and walk down a highway. Meanwhile, Hungary's Defense Minister has resigned as the government mulls whether to deploy the army to the Serbian border. From NPR news, I'm Lauren Farina in Budapest. Italy's top court says prosecutors committed quote glaring errors in their case against the American Amanda Knox, her former Italian boyfriend for the murder of Noxon's British roommate. NPR's SP reports that's in official explanation the court released today for its definitive acquittal of the two defendants last month. The 2007 murder of British student Meredith Kercher in the toils that followed dominated headlines in Italy, Britain and the US for years. And the brutal stabbing led to a series of contradictory rulings with Knox and * serving nearly four years in prison. The high court there was no shortage of glaring errors in the underlying fabric of the sentence in question. The court said media clamor was a factor in the flawed rulings with the international spotlight leading to a frantic search for one or more guilty parties to present to international public opinion. The Italian news agency Answer reported that Amanda Knox was very relieved and happy by the court's explanation. SJ, NPR news, Rome. * by Chinese officials to reassure investors help with European markets today but Wall Street was closed for the Labor Day holiday. This is NPR.

It's been five days since a federal judge in Kentucky ordered a Rowan county clerk Kim Davis go to jail for refusing to fulfill her duties as a public official to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couple. Davis said she's bound by her Christian faith. One of her attorneys Charla Bansley told CNN Davis's legal team has filed an emergency request demanding that governor Steve Beshear step in. All she has asked for a simple basic accommodation 'Please take my name off this form. Don't force me to personally sign it. Others can sign other forms as long as it doesn't have my name'. Critics say Davis is neglecting her duties as a public official to uphold the law of the land. President Obama will bestow the National Humanities Medal this week to ten Americans those work has the citizens closer to culture. NPR's SR has more on this. Alice Waters, a Berkley California chef and food activist is one of the ten medal recipients. For over forty years, Waters has been espousing the benefits of cooking with locally grown , organic, hormone-free food. 'I'm making effort to present food very simply and have a taste of what it is.' Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Jhumpa Lahiri is another honorary. Lahiri writes about India immigrants and India Americans confronting the massiveness of straddling two cultures.'In the years that I've been writing. It has helped me to look the truth in the eye a little bit better.' The National Humanities is awarded to people or organizations who help deepen our understanding of the human experience.SR, NPR news.
I'm LS. NPR news in Washington.