NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-14(在线收听

 California lawmakers have approved a measure that legalized physician-assisted suicide. As Ben Adler of Capital Radio reports it's now up to the governor to sign it into the law. “It's not clear whether Jerry Brown will sign the end-of-life legislation. We do know that last year he spent about an hour on the phone with the young California woman named Britney Mernad who moved from California to Oregon to end her life using Oregon's assisted suicide law. If Brown does sign the measure, California would be the 6th state with a right-to-die law.”

A war of words between Hungary and Austria over the migrant crisis in Europe is escalating. The BBC's BB reports the Hungarian government is angry about comments made by Austria's chancellor. “Chancellor Werner Faymann told Der Spiegel that sticking refugees and trains and sending them somewhere completely different from what they thought they were going reminded him of the darkest period of European history. His words are reference to Nazi deportations during the second world war. Hungary has reacted angrily. The foreign minister Peter Seattle said Mr Faymann's remarks were unworthy of a 21 century European leader.” The BBC's BB reporting from Vienna, Austria.
Britan's opposition Labor Party has elected a new leader, self-described Democratic socialist lawmaker Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn was a 201 outsider when the race started  three months ago, but as LM reports from London he won with nearly 60 percent of the vote. After the results, we announced Corbyn vow to move to Britain to the political left. He campaigned on issues including ending austerity and increasing public spending, establishing rent controls, renationalizing the rail roads and eliminating Britain's marine-based nuclear arsenal. For his 42 years as a member of parliament, Corbyn has always been on the left of his left-wing party. So getting more moderate Labour lawmakers on board will be a challenge. From NPR news, I'm LM in London.
Egypt's cabinet resigned today amid a corruption scandal. NPR's LF reports from Cairo. The resignation comes days after Egypt's Agricultural Minister was ordered and then arrested at the Prime Minister's office Sallah Helal is accused of taking bribes from businessmen to illegal state land. The corruption scandal has shaken people's faith in the opaque system that critics say depends on lot of crony capitalism.Egypt state news agency reports the outgoing government will continue to work for the next week until a new cabinet is chosen. The resignation comes before a planned parliamentary elections next month. Egypt has been without a parliament for more than two years. LF, NPR news, Cairo. This is NPR.
In his weekly address, President Obama said a revamped college scorecard website provides perspective colleges students with important information as they decide which school to attend. Everyone should be able to find clear, reliable, open data on college affordability and value like whether they are likely to graduate, find good jobs and pay off their loans. The website includes college specific information about graduate's earnings. Ten automakers, including GM,Ford, Toyota and Volkswagen say they're going to install automatic emergency braking systems on all their cars. Michigan Radio's TS reports their designs to prevent rearenders. Automatic emergency braking uses radar, cameras and lasers to warn drivers they are about to cause a rearender collision, and it'll apply the brakes if the drives don't react quickly enough. DZ is with the intransit institute for highway safety. He says the technology is already proving itself. It can prevent some rear-front clashes when it doesn't manage to intervene in time to prevent a crash, it medicates the severity. Rearend crashes are rarely deadly but they are very common. 30 precent of all multi-vehicle accidents involved are rearend collision. From NPP news, I'm TS.
At the US Open Tennis Tournament, long-time friends Flavia Pennetta and Roberta Finch are battling it out for the women single's title. Finch beats Serena Williams in yesterday's semi-finals ending her hopes for a calendar year grand slam.
I'm BK, NPR news.