新鲜英语早知道 第21期:那些你从小爱喝却不知道它英文名的summer drink(在线收听

   背景音乐: summer-Dido 暖暖-梁静茹

  推荐电影 Julie and Juliet 朱莉和朱丽叶
  笔记:沁人心脾的夏日特饮。Refreshing summer drinks
  Refreshing 提神的,令人感到精神的
  西方国家的summer drink有很多,like summer cocktail,夏日鸡尾酒,lemonade 柠檬汁,and iced tea 冰茶。
  Sour plum drink 酸梅汤
  Sour plum drink has a long history and the most popular recipe was developed in the Qing Dynasty.
  a recipe book 烹饪书籍
  It is made by first soaking sour plums in water, adding hawthorn, and many other materials and then boiling the mixture.
  hawthorn 山楂 under the hawthorn tree 就是山楂树之恋的英译名
  mung bean soup绿豆汤
  Just put together the beans, water, boil, cover and simmer. Add rock sugar. Simmer until the beans are soft.
  boil 煮 一般指大火煮 cover 盖上盖子闷 simmer 小火炖
  It has a toasty taste, with slight bitter undertones
  Barley tea 大麦茶