英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0917 - 美国人只认得中国功夫明星?(在线收听

 Topic1 Illegal Care Workers in HospitalIt is common to hire a care worker to take care of the patient if the family members cannot accompany the hospitalized patient. However, there are lots of illegal care workers. Hospitals tried to clean up those illegal care workers for years but in vain. Why it that?

Topic2 Media apps making headlinesA major report shows media apps or news apps are nearly as popular as instant messaging players such as WeChat, QQ. Is it true? Do you use any of them to get news?
Topic3 What Do Chinese and US People Know of Each OtherRoundtable is launching a mini-series about China and the US. Yesterday we talked about what people in the two countries think of the other country, on a generalized basis. Today we'll move onto some smaller things like living in the other country, or cultural icons they relate with the other country. A survey shows China is more attractive to American students than America to Chinese students. Why is that?
Topic4 As Stocks Skid, Startups Lose Their LusterThe honeymoon appears to be over for once-attractive startup businesses and their eager investment partners at venture capital and private equity firms in China.
The latest stock market slump triggered a change of heart for venture capitalists and PEs, which for years poured money into a variety of startups, particularly Internet-related businesses such as offline-to-online (O2O) service providers and mobile application developers.
What happened?