英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0916 - 美国人民对中国的印象:人多(在线收听

 Topic1 Mutual Understanding between People from China and USRoundtable is launching a mini-series about China and the US. Instead of focusing on bilateral ties, we're going to start from smaller things. Today it's what people in the two countries think of the other country.

There are already wide contacts between the two countries. In 2014, China-U.S. passenger trips reached more than 6 million. An annual increase of 15 percent is expected in the years ahead. However, do people in China and the U.S. really know each other?
Topic2 Career Qualification Test of English, Cancel or notChina has canceled 211 tests for career qualifications. However, the Test of English for Careers, which influences a huge amount of people, still remains. What are the drawbacks of these qualification tests? What type of qualification test should be cancelled, and what type of test should remain?
Topic3 Four-character Names Popular among KidsMany netizens feel that more and more primary school students have very special names, like names containing 4 characters. Why do parents give such names to their kids?