英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0922 - 当牛做马迎师妹(在线收听

 Topic1 10-Year US Visa Revoked for "Improper Behavior"According to recent media reports, a Chinese tourist got her 10-year visa revoked by the US custom due to uncivilized behavior record from a previous trip to Europe. Is it true?

And can people be refused to enter the U.S. even after they've been granted 10-year visas?
Topic2 400 Million Chinese Cannot Speak MandarinThere are about 400 million Chinese people who cannot speak standard mandarin or putonghua, despite the government's effort in promoting standard mandarin. Is this a problem?
Topic3 Ox-masked Seniors Let Freshmen Sit on ThemAs the new school year starts, it's only a custom for universities to hold matriculation ceremonies to welcome the freshmen class onto campus. But in a special ceremony held in Hangzhou, senior male students wearing ox or horse face masks kneel down on the ground and let female freshmen ride on their backs.
Topic4 The Bad Habits That Could Get You FIREDGiven that we spend half of our waking hours in the workplace, there's nothing worse than being stuck with rude co-workers or negative managers. Bad manners not only make for an unpleasant working environment, they can also spell disaster for an individual's career.