NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-28(在线收听

 Thousands have gathered outside Philadelphia's Independence Hall, waiting for Pope Francis to speak later this hour. Earlier today, Pope celebrated Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Among the some 1600 congregants * this morning were organizers of the Vatican-sponsored World Meetings of Families which is what prompted the Pope to plan his US trip in the first place. NPR's Jeff Brady is in Philadelphia. From most of the last week, the catholic church has held his triennial World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. That already attracted thousands of people. Now much of the downtown has been closed to traffic for events involving Pope Francis over the next two days. He's scheduled to be at Independent's National Historical park to talk about immigration and religious freedom. This evening, Francis is expected to parade through downtown before giving a speech at a big open-area event that also includes entertainment. Tomorrow Pope visits a prison then meets with bishops at a local seminary. He'll hold a large Mass outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art before heading back to Rome Sunday evening. Jeff Brady, NPR news, Philadelphia.

Some new developments in the ongoing controversy over Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's emails from her tenure as Secretary of State. NPR's TK reports the State Department has announced a previously unknown emails chain. There are many threads in the story of Hillary Clinton's private email server and the latest two developments are unrelated. First, the State Department announced that  it has gotten from the Department of Defense a email chain that Clinton's team hadn't previously turned over. It is an email exchange between Clinton and general David Petraeus about personnel matters. The chain starts before she became secretary of state and continues into the early days of her time in office. In a separate announcement, the state department told the House ouse Benghazi community, it will be producing another 925 emails related to Libya as the committee to prepares for Hillary Clinton to testify in October. Clinton has held firm that she did nothing illegal. T K, NPR news, Washington.
The Pentagon now acknowledges that a second group of US-trained Syrian fighters has been forced to turn over trucks and ammunition to an Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria in order to win the safe passage to the battle front against ISIS.
Iran's state prosecutor says he's preparing legal action in International Court against Saudi Arabia's rulers over Thursday's stampede on the outskirt of Mecca. The death toll has risen to 769. Iranians citizens account for the largest number of those killed at least 134. And hundreds of Iranians are still missing. Today is the final day of Islam's annual Hajj ritual. This is NPR.
One of the oldest federal student loan programs in the US is about to expire. The Perkins loan program helps poor student pay for college. Unless congress acts, it could end on Wednesday. If it does, KCP, a member station WGBH reports, thousands of low-income students will be affected. Republican leaders in Washington say extending the Perkins loan program is too costly and doesn't benefit students. In a statement, Senate Education Community chairman RA says the 1 billion dollar program is outdated and unnecessary. University of Massachusetts president and former Democratic congressman Marty Meehan strongly disagree. Meehan says the low-interest loans are critical to students who couldn't cover the cost.'I don't see how at the end of the day the Federal government can walk away from their responsibility to making sure that we have an accessible, world-class education available to everyone.' Today, about 4 percent of full-time college students nationwide receive Perkins loans. If congress doesn't act, the program will expire at the end of the fiscal year. For NPR news, I'm KP in Boston.
The first person ever charged with war crimes for the destruction of cultural heritage has arrived at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. The suspected Islamist militant is accused of destroying religious and historic  monuments in T. The city is a world heritage sire. The suspect was a part of a group linked to Al-Aaeda. He's  changed with destroying  ancient monuments and a mosque. I'm BC, NPR news in Washington.