澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-25(在线收听

 Leading the news. More than 700 worshipers have been killed and almost one thousand others injured in a stampede at the annual Haji pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The crash happened at Mina on the outskirts of the holy city of Mecca when two large groups of people pushed into each other. Saudi Arabia's crown prince has ordered an immediate investigation into the tragedy.

These are the reasons: overcrowding, stampede, marching in opposite directions, high temperature and addition to the fatigue and exhaustion of the pilgrims after many days of rituals.
Pope Francis has become the first Pontiff to address the Joint Session of U.S. Congress, he called for more empathy for immigrants and an end to death penalty. The speech was followed by an appearance before thousands of people on the Washington's National Mall where he gave a public lesson.
In Seattle, at least 4 people are dead and 9 critically injured in a tourist bus crash. An open-top amphibious tourist bus collided with a charter bus on the city's Aurora Bridge. Emergency services have converged on the scene.
Back home, the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed he killed off a proposed review of the Bureau of Meteorology over climate change. It's been reviewed by the ABC, the Prime Minister's department considered an investigation into the bureau over its estimates of global warming. Mr.Hunt says he has full confidence in the bureau.
And State Queensland MP Billy Gordon has been cleared of domestic abuse allegations by police. Mr.Gordon was accused of abusing two former partners, police say there is insufficient evidence to lay charges.