澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-26(在线收听

 Let us take a look at the satellite. In the east, high and a complex low over the Tasman is producing showers and low cloud from eastern Victoria through to southeast Queensland. Futher north, patching middle and low level cloud is lingering around the top end of the northern territory and Cape York peninsula. And in west Australia, a trouph is bringing cloud and an approaching cold front. Looking around the country. In Queensland, possible showers in the northern districts. A chance of stones in the southeast, cool in the south, and fine and mostly sunny in interior. Generally dry in western New Southwales with some isolated showers on the coast. Victoria will be mostly sunny after a chilly morning. Possible light showers in the east. Tasmania will see early frost inland, mostly sunny and mild day across the state. South Australia is looking clear and dry, a mild day expected there. Light showers in the southwest of west Australia, warm in the southeast, and hot in the north. And in the top end, dry and mild in the south after a chilly morning. Hot in the north, with the chance of isolated showers. Looking ahead to tomorrow's forecast for the capital cities. Brisban and Sydney possible showers, Melborne early fog and sunny, Houbart cloudy, while Aldelaid, Perth and Darvin will be sunny.   
