英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0929 - 微整形还是微毁容?(在线收听

 Topic1-Partner but No MarriageWhen a senior citizen becomes single again, many have chosen to move in with a partner without getting married in China. What prompts them to make such a decision?

Topic2-Student Fined for SmokingA high school student in Yan'an has been fined 400 Yuan for causing air pollution on campus. What did he do? He smoked a ciggy in school. Is the fine reasonable?
Topic3-Dangerous Mini Plastic SurgeryChina is now the 3rd largest market in the world for cosmetic surgery behind the United States and Brazil. Cosmetic injections are getting more and more popular. At the same time, complaints about bad injections and surgical accidents shoot up. How did these mini plastic surgeries become dangerous?
Topic4-Kid Drives Car on RoadA video showing a 5-year-old kid driving skillfully on the road has garnered attention and criticism online. Are you shocked by this 5-year-old driver?
Top 5-Annoying People at the Gym!
Going to the gym isn't all about excising and muscle-building, as for some people, their favorite part is to judge. Wechat account Shameless lists the Top 5 Annoying People at the Gym!